I had this startling revelation while watching this trailer. I can't say "This isn't a faithful movie adaptation of Resident Evil" anymore, because after playing RE5, and seeing RE6 in action....it is. -_- In kind of a come full circle kinda way, these movies are faithful to the source material and...are...the best...video game movies? *Head explodes*
Well, the movies (RE) all suck...isn't it more fair to say "these movies are faithful to the source material and...are...the most successful...video game movies?". And then to break it down further (my revelation while writing this...), isn't it more fair to say the limited success has absolutely nothing to do with the game ip and confusing japanese source material but instead because it features zombies?
When has a movie with any sizable budget featuring zombies failed? Shawn of the Dead... Land of the Dead... Dawn of the Dead... 28 days/months later...
On a personal note, while I will see the RE movie (as much for Milla as the zombies) I am more excited for Silent Hill. Imo, it's the "best" videogame movie so far. Trailer coming soon I hope.