There were a lot of really awesome announcements.
NES Remix Volume 2 has way more of the sort of content I'm interested in. It comes with a full 8-Bit Super Luigi Brothers remix which goes right to left, not sure how this will play out. The best part about it is that it is actually utilizing the best NES games from Nintendo including Zelda 2, Metroid, Kirby's Adventure, and Super Mario Brothers 3.
It gave a nice look at the X battle system, although there's nothing much new there since the interface looks very much the same; if you haven't played Xenoblade, it's FF12's battle system with a variety of additional moves that can be done on top of the automated regular attacks, they have a cooldown, and the game has all the benefits of FF12, while feeling like a traditional console RPG that is up to date. You can switch your target character around mid-battle, so this confirms that the "Player 1, Player 2, Player 3" thing are standin names, and not because the game is just an MMO RPG as has been speculated. Next, I really want to see some of the story elements of the game. I am really looking forward to this one.
Little Mac in Smash Brothers? I don't even know how I never thought of having this character in the series before, it's SO obvious! Even though I am not a fan of the Punch Out series, this character looks like loads of fun to use. Game was confirmed for 2014, which was awesome.
Mario Kart looks awesome, they added the Koopa Kids! I am really looking forward to this one, and it will be my first Mario Kart on that isn't a handheld game since the N64 one. I had the Gamecube one, but I don't count it; I only played it like 3 or 4 times before losing interest. Only 3 months away.
Steel Diver: Sub Wars - I picked up the demo but have yet to play it. I liked the interface of the first game, so I will probably like this one. It's 3D, rather than 2D like the first one; the full game is also 9 dollars instead of 35 dollars like the first one. Being one of the 500 people who ACTUALLY bought the first one, I am excited about this one due to its very interesting interface. I recommend getting the demo, and seeing if you like it... WHY DOESN'T NINTENDO MAKE A MECH GAME?!
Bayonetta is interesting, she reminds me of a girl I know, raging lesbian