Some final thoughts on the beta after it has closed -
I enjoyed the singleplayer/PvE elements quite a bit. I liked how the game felt, the levelling up of weapons and your character's skill tree, the use of singleplayer vehicles, and the coop mission on display was pretty cool. I found that one of the larger enemies in the coop section took WAY too much damage (but maybe I was doing it badly? I'm not sure). The graphical fidelity really drew me in. I'm not sure if the story will be any good, but I was engrossed in ODST and Reach's stories, so maybe this will be good too.
I wasn't very impressed by the competitive multiplayer. It just felt like Halo with running, but you stuck with your character class and weapon loudout. It seemed serviceable, but it's not the sort of thing that I will be sinking any time into. I was really impressed by the initial offering of Titanfall. Its fast paced combat and traversal, titans, and pretty neat set of modes still has it as the game I go to when I want so shoot fools over the internet. The first DLC pack was really lackluster. Comparing it to BF4's 4 maps and a new mode (Titanfall just gets 3 new maps and no other improvements), there is very little content here. What is the point of playing a tiny set of maps with a very small minority of the players that have paid for them? I think, as a first entry into the series - these maps should have either been significantly cheaper or free.
I wonder what Destiny will have as content updates? There is an actual focused story here, so will it be more of that? Or will it just be more multiplayer maps? Borderlands did a very good job at releasing a lot of post-release story driven content, so is that the model for these types of games?
Anyways, I agree with Eric that it is not a CoD clone. The multiplayer is a bit Halo-like, but if you liked the model that borderlands was presenting, but wanted something a bit more like an MMO (players just out there in the zone doing their thing with you - there for help or there to group with at world events) the beta displayed this as something very much like that. It was cool and I liked it.