The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Marvel announces a fuckton of awesome up to 2020

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #164128  by Eric
 Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:36 pm
July 17, 2015: Ant-Man

May 6, 2016: Captain America: Civil War

November 4, 2016: Doctor Strange

May 5, 2017: Guardians of the Galaxy 2

July 28, 2017: Thor: Ragnarok

November 3, 2017: Black Panther

May 4, 2018: Avengers: Infinity War PART I

July 6, 2018: Captain Marvel

November 2, 2018: The Inhumans
May 3, 2019: Avengers: Infinity Wars PART II

Black Panther will be played by Chadwick Boseman
 #164130  by Shrinweck
 Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:52 pm
Something like that. Black Panther can be pretty cool but the thought of him carrying movies on his own seems pretty far fetched to me. Honestly it kind of seems to me like Marvel is making his movie so their movie franchises lined up together don't look like some kind of "White Power" convention.

I'm excited for Captain America Civil War.. some of the rest with obvious exceptions are pretty close to them grasping at straws.

What they should be making is a Moon Knight movie. You've got a guy who takes his marching orders from the Egyptian moon God/an alien force masquerading as an Egyptian God who basically gives a guy superhuman abilities by changing his brain chemistry and driving him crazy. The result is a murderous Batman-type who goes around fighting criminals while wearing white because he wants them to see him coming. This is a guy who describes his infamous Marvel resurrection as "Death was boring so I got up again." Moon Knight is coming off of a six book run by Warren Ellis which was probably the best series I've read in a very long time. Includes one book that was basically a love letter to the Raid movies, where he fought through a building floor by floor murdering/beating everyone in his way. Moon Knight is Marvel's ticket to ultraviolence done right, if they're okay with going in that direction and not making a PG-13 movie.

Also someone needs to tell Marvel that no one gives a flying fuck about the Inhumans.
 #164144  by Zeus
 Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:59 pm
I'm really worried about Ant Man. Edgar Wright spent YEARS convincing Marvel to do the film then he leaves for "creative differences"? I don't know.....
 #164317  by Replay
 Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:50 pm
Black Panther is actually possibly the most-anticipated new franchise. At cons they're going nuts for it.
 #164346  by Zeus
 Sat Dec 06, 2014 9:50 am
Cumberbatch is officially Doctor Strange and Reynolds officially back as Deadpool. I think they're good choices (really, could anyone else do Deadpool as well?) but I honestly woulda preferred Leto as Doctor Strange.
 #164481  by Replay
 Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:27 am
I hope they do not fuck up Doctor Strange. I have a deep and abiding love for the weird that franchise brings in.
 #164482  by Replay
 Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:29 am
I'm still holding out hope that Power Pack can be a Phase 4 property. I would love to see the Kymellia arcs and the Boogeyman arc become filmic things.
 #164483  by Eric
 Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:32 am
0 faith in Deadpool, if it was part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe it would have a chance like Guardians did, but it's part of Fox's X-men Universe so it's probably going to be garbage and feature Wolverine somehow.
 #164487  by Zeus
 Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:52 pm
Eric wrote:0 faith in Deadpool, if it was part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe it would have a chance like Guardians did, but it's part of Fox's X-men Universe so it's probably going to be garbage and feature Wolverine somehow.
You hated Days of Future Past that much, huh?
 #164491  by Eric
 Sun Dec 28, 2014 3:40 am
Zeus wrote:
Eric wrote:0 faith in Deadpool, if it was part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe it would have a chance like Guardians did, but it's part of Fox's X-men Universe so it's probably going to be garbage and feature Wolverine somehow.
You hated Days of Future Past that much, huh?
Days of Future Past was fine for what it was, back when the original X-men came out in movie theaters I gave it a pass on a lot of things because at the time Superhero movies weren't really a thing, and before that they weren't all that popular, it wasn't until the later that people realized they could be faithful to the source material and make a profit, however somehow Fox managed to fail with this pretty hard and is still failing with it. Have you heard the Synopsis for upcoming Fantastic Four? Dr. Doom is a computer geek. I'm still giving X-men a pass based on its beginnings for the most part, but that doesn't mean I don't cringe often while watching them. The highest compliment I can give the best ones are the ones that don't butcher the source material too badly. X-men Last Stand was cancer, both Wolverine movies were awful, Last Stand was watchable because Michael Fassbender is actually fun to watch play Magneto.
 #164498  by Replay
 Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:17 am
I agree with you on one thing for sure, Eric: The problem is that the rights have gotten fragmented. The two franchises NOT under Marvel's direct control anymore (Sony has Spider-Man, Fox has X-Men) are getting milked and abused like cows in a factory farm.

First two Spider-Man movies? Colossally good. Then Raimi fucked up the third one - I still cannot get over Topher Grace getting cast as Venom, and doubt I ever will - and all of a sudden it was time for a "reboot" that wrecked the entire thing; Garfield isn't bad, but he's just not Maguire. X-Men? Main trilogy is of course they wrecked it with all the spinoffs, which as you said, are borderline cancerous on the franchise.

Unfortunately for us all, I know how these Hollywood negotiations tend to go. If Disney/Marvel go to Sony and Fox and go, "Hey, we're interested in buying the rights back", Sony and Fox are going to go, "Well, you paid Lucas two billion for Star Wars, didn't you?", and then yelling will be had and shit may get thrown and you will need an electron microscope to see the chance of the rights reunifying under content creators who care about the material.
 #164500  by Replay
 Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:21 am
It also makes for a very strange Cinematic Universe. No Spider-Man cameos everywhere? No X-Men/Avengers crossovers?

This is like DC doing a movie where Batman goes "Super-who?"
 #164512  by Zeus
 Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:17 am
Eric wrote:
Zeus wrote:
Eric wrote:0 faith in Deadpool, if it was part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe it would have a chance like Guardians did, but it's part of Fox's X-men Universe so it's probably going to be garbage and feature Wolverine somehow.
You hated Days of Future Past that much, huh?
Days of Future Past was fine for what it was, back when the original X-men came out in movie theaters I gave it a pass on a lot of things because at the time Superhero movies weren't really a thing, and before that they weren't all that popular, it wasn't until the later that people realized they could be faithful to the source material and make a profit, however somehow Fox managed to fail with this pretty hard and is still failing with it. Have you heard the Synopsis for upcoming Fantastic Four? Dr. Doom is a computer geek. I'm still giving X-men a pass based on its beginnings for the most part, but that doesn't mean I don't cringe often while watching them. The highest compliment I can give the best ones are the ones that don't butcher the source material too badly. X-men Last Stand was cancer, both Wolverine movies were awful, Last Stand was watchable because Michael Fassbender is actually fun to watch play Magneto.
I ain't no lover of Fox's Marvel films either. I thought the first X-Men was decent with a lot of issues (a lot of them) but like you, it was the first time since Burton's Batman Returns that we had seen a decent comic movie. X2 was great, very solid even to this day. We shall not talk about the travesty that was Brett Ratner's movie and First Class was a poor piece of shit too (Sebastian Magneto was the best they could do?).

But that's why Days of Future Past was pretty good, it fixed a LOT of issues with the last two films (the first Wolverine was pretty solid aside from a God-awful last twenty minutes that completely ruined it and the second one had great ideas but was disappointing in its execution; but they ain't really recognized in the X-Men universe, they're more like Gaiden stories). Heck, it basically wiped out the entire Ratner film and, hopefully, put an end to the "younger" cast (I honestly preferred all of the "older" cast, even Romijn and I'm a big Lawrence fan; Fassbender was just there and McAvoy is fine but he ain't no Xavier). Hopefully they can write a good script for Apocalypse to make up for the clear lack of understanding of what is X-Men by Singer and we can get another film to the quality of the last two he directed.