The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Star Wars 7 Trailer...

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #164270  by Shrinweck
 Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:22 am
The fuck is with ANY of the droids in the series EVER? They're all weird as hell :D I don't think the droid will amount to much, just some throwaway transition to an actual scene. Probably not the next R2D2.

I thought the trailer was pretty cool. The lightsaber was silly as fuck, but I don't really mind that. I still quite like the double-sided saber and I think this is somewhere in between that and the weird curved saber that old fart Count used, which was probably a few steps too far into silly territory.
 #164271  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:16 am

I'm still not convinced this isn't a fan trailer.

If you want something a little more interesting, here's one from over 15 years ago.

 #164272  by Eric
 Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:42 am
Eh, it's a teaser trailer. Looked good to me.
 #164273  by Zeus
 Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:59 pm
Anarky, Shrin, I have no idea what the fuck you two are talking about. The soccer-droid and extra light-sabre portion of the hilt of the Sith's sword are strokes of genius! Much better than what that hack Lucas ever came up with!

I'm with Eric on this one, it was amazing, no concerns whatsoever. J.J. Abrahms is just proving yet again why he's one of the greatest filmmakers of our time. Move over, Nolan, make way for the real geniuses!
 #164274  by Anarky
 Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:06 pm
I legitimately thought it was a parody trailer for a soccer tournament.

 #164277  by Shrinweck
 Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:16 pm
Zeus wrote:Anarky, Shrin, I have no idea what the fuck you two are talking about. The soccer-droid and extra light-sabre portion of the hilt of the Sith's sword are strokes of genius! Much better than what that hack Lucas ever came up with!

I'm with Eric on this one, it was amazing, no concerns whatsoever. J.J. Abrahms is just proving yet again why he's one of the greatest filmmakers of our time. Move over, Nolan, make way for the real geniuses!
Yes because my post was totally ragging on the trailer

 #164278  by Eric
 Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:45 pm
Zeus wrote:Anarky, Shrin, I have no idea what the fuck you two are talking about. The soccer-droid and extra light-sabre portion of the hilt of the Sith's sword are strokes of genius! Much better than what that hack Lucas ever came up with!

I'm with Eric on this one, it was amazing, no concerns whatsoever. J.J. Abrahms is just proving yet again why he's one of the greatest filmmakers of our time. Move over, Nolan, make way for the real geniuses!
You suck so much. :p
 #164279  by Zeus
 Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:20 pm
Eric wrote:
Zeus wrote:Anarky, Shrin, I have no idea what the fuck you two are talking about. The soccer-droid and extra light-sabre portion of the hilt of the Sith's sword are strokes of genius! Much better than what that hack Lucas ever came up with!

I'm with Eric on this one, it was amazing, no concerns whatsoever. J.J. Abrahms is just proving yet again why he's one of the greatest filmmakers of our time. Move over, Nolan, make way for the real geniuses!
You suck so much. :p
At least someone got the tongue-in-cheek tone :-)

This is my personal favourite version of the trailer, looks SOOO much better LMAO
 #164280  by Eric
 Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:05 pm
Julius Seeker wrote:If you want something a little more interesting, here's one from over 15 years ago.
Keep in mind that Phantom Menace just had to hit some checklists back in the day, 1) Show Anakin, 2) Show Obi-wan, 3) Show Old Republic, you knew how the story was eventually going to end. With this one, we're in new territory, because we're going forward instead of just showing the past.

Both trailers do the same shit in the end, Show Sith, Show Space vehicles, have traditional Star Wars music, etc.
 #164282  by kali o.
 Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:44 pm
Trailer looked fine to me - internet nerds gonna rage no matter what. He can't do worse than Lucas.

My only concern is that JJ Abrams will overly JJ Abrams it that I mean, his movies all feel like TV episodes story-wise to me. Not totally sure why.
 #164288  by Shrinweck
 Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:25 am
I got it, but where you included me in the joke was inaccurate. It had the subtlety of a freight train considering your previous posts on the topic :P
 #164310  by Zeus
 Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:52 pm
kali o. wrote:My only concern is that JJ Abrams will overly JJ Abrams it that I mean, his movies all feel like TV episodes story-wise to me. Not totally sure why.
Umm, he's a hack who can't direct his way out of paper bag?
 #164311  by kali o.
 Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:57 pm
Zeus wrote:
kali o. wrote:My only concern is that JJ Abrams will overly JJ Abrams it that I mean, his movies all feel like TV episodes story-wise to me. Not totally sure why.
Umm, he's a hack who can't direct his way out of paper bag?
See, I like his work. It just seems to always lack that "epic" feel (which I think star wars should have). Star Trek was missing it too...but otherwise quite good.
 #164345  by Zeus
 Sat Dec 06, 2014 9:48 am
kali o. wrote:
Zeus wrote:
kali o. wrote:My only concern is that JJ Abrams will overly JJ Abrams it that I mean, his movies all feel like TV episodes story-wise to me. Not totally sure why.
Umm, he's a hack who can't direct his way out of paper bag?
See, I like his work. It just seems to always lack that "epic" feel (which I think star wars should have). Star Trek was missing it too...but otherwise quite good.
In all seriousness, I think his problem is that he's just not good at implementing ideas. He's got great ideas and stuff that looks and starts off great. Problem is, he can't carry a narrative and always ends up falling into formulaic trappings and just not going anywhere good with what he has. If he were to stick to writing stories and let others flush out the screenplay and direct it, it would be the best.

This is what worries me about the new Star Wars, especially after he and Kasdan (screenwriter of Jedi) decided that the script Michael Arndt (Little Miss Sunshine, Toy Story 3, and Oblivion) put in wasn't good enough and needed their "touch". That's not a good thing when you're talking about screwing up the script of a guy who has done so well with those who haven't. That teaser really didn't say much (other than a couple stupid visual things) so it's not affecting my opinion. It's the other facts that have me worried. I'm hoping Kathleen Kennedy has enough control to keep them all in line otherwise we all may be begging for Lucas to come back.
 #164349  by Shrinweck
 Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:48 pm
I still don't get why you place so much faith on Arndt. He really has no sci-fi background and Oblivion just paled in comparison to Moon which was basically the exact same movie without the Hollywood blockbuster blubber. Also Kasdan's writing career just eclipses Arndt's. You mention Jedi as if that's supposed to sway us in a negative direction (I really like most of Jedi), but Kasdan also did Empire Strikes Back, The Big Chill, Body Heat, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Bodyguard, and Shadows of the Empire (probably the best Star Wars game story-wise before KOTOR).

Arndt just hasn't done any epic adventure movies and that should really be a big part of what happens in Star Wars. He seems to excel in doing shallow blockbusters and quaint indie hipster films. Nothing wrong with that, that just doesn't shout Star Wars.
 #164360  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:51 pm
Oblivion was significantly better than anyone expected it to be, I was pleasantly surprised.

Kasdan I ain't so much against, he's just not that great IMO (Kirschner made Empire). It's JJ. But there's no doubt that even in his short career, Arndt has show significantly better skills at writing characters and clean scripts than either of those two. There's a reason he was chosen in the first place, the guy is great. And my biggest fear from the beginning is Star Wars 7 getting the Star Trek reboot treatment (I saw that movie 3 times and disliked it more each time; Into Darkness was an unwatchable piece of shit). My real hope now is Kennedy maintains so much control she doesn't allow JJ to Abrahms Star Wars, she makes sure it follows a certain path. You can argue all you want about Lucas' abilities to write characters and direct actors, but there's a reason his movies lasted 30 years and created a multi-billion dollar industry
 #164361  by Shrinweck
 Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:58 pm
Kirschner directed empire, Kasdan is credited with writing it (in addition to Brackett and Lucas). We were talking about writing in reference to Arndt. Directing is in reference to Abrams.

I'm not tearing down Lucas (In fact I hadn't even mentioned him) as much as I'm just saying that a lot of this wouldn't be possible with him at the helm any more. For example, Harrison Ford, Fischer, and Hamill would never be in it. While they're hardly essential for a successful Star Wars movie, I do think them refusing to be a part of anything with him again speaks volumes as to how he conducts his business. Lucas is talented but his vision is increasingly frustrating and a lot of what made Star Wars magical happened despite him rather than because of him. I think this is further highlighted by the fact that the extended universe thrived without him, as well as the video games that had little to do with him. Even further highlighted by the fact that the new trilogy didn't really land with anyone out of their adolescence.

Abrams even at his worst is decent at making things fun. One just has to hope that he either goes at it with his best or that the supporting crew fill in the gaps. Because being pessimistic as fuck about something for another year about something that we know next to nothing about just seems like a waste of effort :D The disappointment compared to the Phantom Menace just won't be happening again, so having a bright outlook doesn't seem like a big deal. At the very least an entire god damned act won't be dedicated to pod racing.
 #164415  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Dec 12, 2014 8:39 am
Let's not trick ourselves into the myth that the earlier Star Wars movies were actually good. The main reason for Star Wars success is a mix of giant explosion, space fighting, and legions of nerds who are crazy in love with the idea of flamboyantly flipping around with beam swords.
 #164416  by Shrinweck
 Fri Dec 12, 2014 1:01 pm
*froths at mouth angrily*

They're no Godfather, but they're fun as fuck. That's all you really want out of a movie most of the time. That was the main problem with the new trilogy. He made a movie about trade negotiation deals falling through, a damned annoying adolescent falling in love, and.. well actually the third movie wasn't entirely unenjoyable. And the original trilogy they weren't dancing around with swords annoyingly. It was a more realistically choreographed battle involving realistic movement that was given to the actors by an actual fencer (who was actually in the Vader costume in Empire and Jedi).
 #164418  by kali o.
 Fri Dec 12, 2014 6:36 pm
Dunno..I am in the middle. Its hard to rewatch the original trilogy and call it "good" cinema. I like them though..but it is hard to say how much is personal bias and nostalgia (like Krull, neverending story, princess bride, poltergeist, goonies, etc).

We all agree the prequels were terrible though...right?
 #164419  by Zeus
 Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:52 am
kali o. wrote:We all agree the prequels were terrible though...right?
How quickly we forget.....
 #164422  by Eric
 Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:45 pm
Shrinweck wrote:*froths at mouth angrily*

They're no Godfather, but they're fun as fuck. That's all you really want out of a movie most of the time. That was the main problem with the new trilogy. He made a movie about trade negotiation deals falling through, a damned annoying adolescent falling in love, and.. well actually the third movie wasn't entirely unenjoyable. And the original trilogy they weren't dancing around with swords annoyingly. It was a more realistically choreographed battle involving realistic movement that was given to the actors by an actual fencer (who was actually in the Vader costume in Empire and Jedi).
 #164424  by Shrinweck
 Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:53 am
Yeah. Prequel trilogy had shitty lightsaber fights. Hopefully Abrams focuses more on dueling and less on baton twirling gymnastics routines.
 #164457  by Replay
 Thu Dec 25, 2014 6:58 am
"Man, Star Wars is about space-wizards who live in the past-future. Do what the fuck you want." --Tycho, Penny Arcade
 #164546  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:22 pm
Star Wars was a great audio and visual piece. The newer ones aren't actually as stylistically pretty though, in my opinion. I have a feeling that the Disney one might be even worse, based on the trailer; which is kind of strange considering Disney is one of the great masters of visual art.
 #164547  by Shrinweck
 Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:01 pm
Eric wrote:Well shit! Raid 1 & 2 actors are going to be in Star Wars :O ... akens.html



Gonna go ahead and call this really good news. The teaser trailer just was not enough for me to make a decision either way.

Star Wars has always had a certain amount of stupid in it that just ended up working out. Maybe they'll get it right.
 #165525  by Eric
 Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:13 pm
Shrinweck wrote:hnnnnnnnnnng
You could have posted the link :P

 #165527  by Shrinweck
 Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:09 am
I liked being vague about it

The funny thing is that I reopened the youtube link to embed it in my post and then STILL decided not to :D
 #165535  by Eric
 Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:23 am
Shrinweck wrote:I liked being vague about it

The funny thing is that I reopened the youtube link to embed it in my post and then STILL decided not to :D
I'm shaking my head at your post irl. :P