Well even everyone is armed, the aggressor obviously gets the jump on everyone and that's a huge advantage. I think people somehow imagine everyone has a red/green/yellow tag along their name like a MMROPG so you can tell the bad guy is the guy with the red name. Of course in reality if everyone had a gun then to you, everyone with a gun is a guy with a red name because there you can't just check the health bar of the guy to confirm whether he's a good guy or a bad guy. Unless the bad guy is holding 10 guns and wearing armor, it'd be pretty hard to tell if another guy (or more than one guy) with a gun is the good guy or the bad guy, and if the bad guy is wearing armor you're going to have a pretty hard time taking him out when that bad guy also has the jump on you.
I started looking at this and I notice people always treat the Constitution or the Founding Fathers as something sacred. You might as well replace Constitution with "The Bible" and Founding Fathers with "Jesus", and at least if Jesus said the right to bear arm is an unalienable right, who are we to argue against the wisdom of Jesus? I saw this article pointed out that Obama was saying in one of his address how he's doing what the Founding Fathers wanted, and it's like one thing you can be pretty sure that the Founding Fathers didn't want was a black man being the president of the United States, but of course you're not doing the will of the Founding Fathers in the US political system you must be some kind of freak that wants to destroy the Constitution. It's pretty interesting because you don't hear the British say 'what would Churchhill do' or "what does the Magna Carta say", or French saying 'what would Napoleon do' and these countries have a longer history than the USA so if we're talking about mythology you'd think pretty much every country but the USA ought to have these 'what would soandso do'. Never mind that the Founding Fathers couldn't really agree on much of anything and that a lot of today's world would be utterly incomprehensible to the Constitution framers. Gun control would be one but even take an issue like privacy, no way the guys writing about the Constitution can imagine the government basically being able to find out anything about anybody now. It's basically like saying 'what would Newton say about relativity?' Well Newton was a great guy but I'm sure he wouldn't really get relativity because that was something way beyond his time and even if he somehow figures it out, it's not like we really care what Newton has to say about relativity just because he discovered gravity.
Another interesting thing I always see in the Second Amendment is that it's supposed to be a way to overthrow the government, because if Emperor Obama declared himself dictator for life he totally wouldn't check if the military is with him on his plan first, and it's not like the USA military that can pretty much blow everything in the world up to pieces could possibly defeat a lot of guys with guns. I got the feeling if Obama did declare himself dictator for life and say the rebels are holed up in Los Angeles, the gun guys would still expect the government to provide services like the Internet so they can talk about how they're totally going to hold off the tanks coming to LA downtown. Of course then you got all the Internet heroes who could take out an army with a sword, or make a bomb from some YouTube video he saw that's totally going to stop the USA military.