I have to admit, I'm watching this all pretty sourly at this point. It's not even necessarily the allegations of Dr. Ford, or even the way the probe is pretty clearly turning into a sham inquiry.
It's how full of absolute bullshit Judge Kavanaugh has clearly been over his yearbooks and his college drinking, and his absolute lack of a judicial temperament. (To those who might respond that I don't have a huge platform to criticize anyone on temperament - no doubt, but I'm also not advocating myself as a candidate for the *United States Supreme Court*).
For one, his explanations of "boof", "Renate club" and so on just reek of bullshit for anyone who actually went to high school in North America, which I am pretty sure we all did. I am sorry, but everyone who went to high school in North America knows what yearbook inscriptions concerning the local easy-to-ride girl look like. For what it's worth, that is not a judgment on Renate Schroeder at all - it's up to every woman to determine her own sexuality - but when your high school classmates are speaking out about what a dick you were to this girl who liked to go out and get laid and did you the favor of sleeping with your dipshit ass in the first place, and *then* you go lie about it too, that seems like a bad look for any judge, much less a Supreme Court nominee.
For another - concerning his college drinking - I'm sorry, but we had Dekes at Stanford. And one of the years I was there, they lost their university-approved housing because a pledge got drunk and fell off a second-story railing, so one of them got housed in our dorm. He was quite a nice guy and very affable and I liked him in the let's-hang-out-and-talk-shit sense - but he was also unquestionably the guy who was proud of having the Kim Kardashian sex tape on tap and wanting to show it to anyone who was remotely interested, or not at all interested, for that matter. Generally speaking, anyone suggesting that the Dekes were fine, upstanding young men known for sexual propriety and sobriety from alcohol would have been laughed at so hard that somebody *else* would have fallen off a fucking balcony and gotten sent to the hospital, so this effort from Kavanaugh and others to paint his aggressive, blackout drinking as no-big-thing also has that familiar reek of bullshit.
It is utterly clear to me at this point that Judge Kavanaugh, quite apart from his rather ugly and dangerous views on corporate power, eminent domain, and other judicial tramplings of smaller, lesser-known Americans, is at bare minimum lying his ass off about the little things.
And people who lie about the little things on a regular basis - well, these are also a much bigger risk for lying about the big things, taking bribes, and abusing power generally.
Of course, the modern Republican position all along has been the usual unbridled, violent, unhinged rage. I've literally seen people quoting Bible verses in his support as if he were Samson or Solomon, not this jackass former-drunken-frat-boy-turned-servant-of-corporate-power. And of course, they're up in arms about how this man's "life has been destroyed" - this already-upper-middle-class, intensely privileged white American male who went to Yale and is in no danger of losing his reasonably lucrative present judicial position whether or not he's confirmed -so as a reward for his "suffering", whether or not he is confirmed, Judge Kavanaugh will receive more than $600,000 from a GoFundMe page dedicated to righting these terrible vile wrongs against him.
That shit blows my mind - the Republican Party seems to go *out of its way* to reward bad behavior these days.
One way or another, America is badly losing its moral compass.
I'm not sure it's a stretch to say that it's easier at this point for bad men and women to achieve success in America than good ones - and this will be decades to come that this liar will be making decisions that affect the fate of every American, and probably really terrible ones in the vein of Citizens United.
It's how full of absolute bullshit Judge Kavanaugh has clearly been over his yearbooks and his college drinking, and his absolute lack of a judicial temperament. (To those who might respond that I don't have a huge platform to criticize anyone on temperament - no doubt, but I'm also not advocating myself as a candidate for the *United States Supreme Court*).
For one, his explanations of "boof", "Renate club" and so on just reek of bullshit for anyone who actually went to high school in North America, which I am pretty sure we all did. I am sorry, but everyone who went to high school in North America knows what yearbook inscriptions concerning the local easy-to-ride girl look like. For what it's worth, that is not a judgment on Renate Schroeder at all - it's up to every woman to determine her own sexuality - but when your high school classmates are speaking out about what a dick you were to this girl who liked to go out and get laid and did you the favor of sleeping with your dipshit ass in the first place, and *then* you go lie about it too, that seems like a bad look for any judge, much less a Supreme Court nominee.
For another - concerning his college drinking - I'm sorry, but we had Dekes at Stanford. And one of the years I was there, they lost their university-approved housing because a pledge got drunk and fell off a second-story railing, so one of them got housed in our dorm. He was quite a nice guy and very affable and I liked him in the let's-hang-out-and-talk-shit sense - but he was also unquestionably the guy who was proud of having the Kim Kardashian sex tape on tap and wanting to show it to anyone who was remotely interested, or not at all interested, for that matter. Generally speaking, anyone suggesting that the Dekes were fine, upstanding young men known for sexual propriety and sobriety from alcohol would have been laughed at so hard that somebody *else* would have fallen off a fucking balcony and gotten sent to the hospital, so this effort from Kavanaugh and others to paint his aggressive, blackout drinking as no-big-thing also has that familiar reek of bullshit.
It is utterly clear to me at this point that Judge Kavanaugh, quite apart from his rather ugly and dangerous views on corporate power, eminent domain, and other judicial tramplings of smaller, lesser-known Americans, is at bare minimum lying his ass off about the little things.
And people who lie about the little things on a regular basis - well, these are also a much bigger risk for lying about the big things, taking bribes, and abusing power generally.
Of course, the modern Republican position all along has been the usual unbridled, violent, unhinged rage. I've literally seen people quoting Bible verses in his support as if he were Samson or Solomon, not this jackass former-drunken-frat-boy-turned-servant-of-corporate-power. And of course, they're up in arms about how this man's "life has been destroyed" - this already-upper-middle-class, intensely privileged white American male who went to Yale and is in no danger of losing his reasonably lucrative present judicial position whether or not he's confirmed -so as a reward for his "suffering", whether or not he is confirmed, Judge Kavanaugh will receive more than $600,000 from a GoFundMe page dedicated to righting these terrible vile wrongs against him.
That shit blows my mind - the Republican Party seems to go *out of its way* to reward bad behavior these days.
One way or another, America is badly losing its moral compass.
I'm not sure it's a stretch to say that it's easier at this point for bad men and women to achieve success in America than good ones - and this will be decades to come that this liar will be making decisions that affect the fate of every American, and probably really terrible ones in the vein of Citizens United.