kali o. wrote: ↑Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:35 pm
Can't help but notice you couldn't dispute anything I said...
Why should I? I'm tired of wasting my time wading through the beta-cuck lying-fuck darkness of your mind, possibly at great personal risk to myself if you ever decide you're *really* mad at me because your life sucks and I call you out on that and then you decide to start "joking" about killing people again.
You don't ever change, you won't ever turn into a good person, so why should I bother?
Why do I need to convince anyone here that AOC deserves her slot and is a needed product of her time? Seek's a bigger fan than I am, apparently. And most of the rest of the board trends liberal.
Liberalism on the board has the quorum of support it needs here for 2020; you're the one who has to convince people here if you're looking to pick up votes.
Despite your bragging about all the friendships you've purchased here, it hasn't gotten you any political support - because people are tired of Trump and alt-right thinking generally, no matter how well he does on the economy, or how many historic peace conferences he starts when no one else will and then proceeds to fuck up because he doesn't read anything or think his senior diplomats are worth listening to.
And that is because he's an asshole.
And I am tired of you for the same reason - so you have fun telling everyone why they should listen to old lying billionaires who want to make people work in bondage for a lifetime for a couple bucks an hour, instead of a bright young bartender-turned-politician who actually wants to help young people get jobs at a wage they can start families at, whether or not she's any good at it so far. People are listening to her because her ideology serves a need, and the interests of a vast great dispossessed American young liberal population of millenials working way too hard for old assholes for way too little, with no effective legal protections and gouged to a slow torturous economic death by an uncaring establishment.
I idly wonder if some of the poor young people you've raised rents on or evicted over the years to build your empire might be supporting her by now. Karma's a bitch, isn't it?
kali o. wrote: ↑Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:35 pm
And no, fake quoting is fun, but she can't tax me -- I can simply divest my income stream and move it outside the US. We play by the rules if they are fair -- we leave and loophole if it is not.
Please do. Take all the money and get the fuck out. Bon voyage. Have fun! Take your "handlers" and as many assorted professional exploiters and losers as you can muster with you! I hear you enjoy Thailand; just imagine how many "happy endings" you can buy there. You can go pay poor women to rub your lonely, unrequited penis for the rest of your fucking life.
Just don't come crying back when you realize what I realized more than a decade ago here - if you abdicate and give your power away, do not be surprised at the changes when and if you ever want to come back.

“I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong."

--Frederick Douglass