I started a new fresh game. It’s just as fun, if not more fun this time around. Mainly because I know what I’m doing and realize not to worry much about loot. In the end, it’s all about getting the Witcher Gear and the materials required.
I’m a little hazy, but I think it’s basically dismantle for all ores that aren’t steel or iron, and any kind of cured leather. Keep all crafting and alchemy items (at first, at least). Sell any food items that fetch good prices - honeycomb for Tomira in White Orchard is a good example. Using the the weaker/cheaper stuff, like water, instead.
I also got all the Tamarian gear and the Viper swords at White Orchard, and am going to ignore all other gear until I get to the Witcher armours.
Another thing, no need to stress over maximizing profits - I did that in early game and found it annoying. Instead, I’m just going to sell to whoever’s convenient. It won’t be as efficient, but the early game is WAY more fun this way. Lots of money, just having fun.
It also helps knowing what all the character dev stuff is about this time around, what I want and where I’m going with skills. My first game I just went all in on melee combat, this time it’s magic. I already have a level 3 fire stream and I’m focusing on getting my delusion skill up to level 3 as well. My character level is 5 so I can only junction 3 skills and one mutagen.
Anyway, bam! This game is indeed one of the greatest games of all time. My one big hope is Tetsuya Takahashi is looking at this game and that there’s a Xenoblade game that does it as well. While Xenoblade does the open world stuff and map design better than Witcher 3, story delivery and side quests are not on the same level. It’s not that the worlds aren’t rich with characters, it’s that Witcher 3 puts heavy production values into its side quests, and Xenoblade only really did that with Xenoblade Chronicles X, and even then, not all of them.
Note: don’t read this part unless you’re familiar with the FF6, FFT, FF8, and FFX - because otherwise it’ll sound like nonsense, and maybe it will anyway

For character development, Witcher 3 has kind of a smoothed out FF8 style system, complete with the crafting the junctioning, and all that jazz. With these types of systems, it’s all about learning what skills you like and then developing them. The major difference is in FF8 you have multiple GFs learning skills while in Witcher 3 there’s only Geralt, and he’s got more options than an individual GF - also, with Witcher 3 you manually spend AP, while FF8 is closer to FFT and FF6, where you select your skill and the AP you gain automatically collects on it. I like Witcher 3’s system better. It’s like all the good parts from FF8 and FFX rolled into one.