What’s changed in history?
• Russia is now our enemies again after invading Ukraine. While the Crimean occultation was controversial because it was recently a part of Russia (until the reign of Khrushchev, which is in our parents memories) it’s no longer the case—the world is mostly unified in favour of the return to the January 2014 borders.
• Vlodimir Zelenskyy of Ukraine became the most popular politician in the world. It seemed for a time, that him staying in Kyiv with his fighters was a death sentence, and now Ukraine has successfully staved off the Russian invasion.
• The one lunatic fringe position of anti-vaccination is now mainstream culture… even if most still consider it lunacy.
• At 7 million deaths, COVID has become the most deadly pandemic since the Spanish Flu, exceeding the 1950s and 70s flu pandemics that killed about 1-4 million each.
• The work place has changed heavily, many people now work from home of private offices instead of the big office rooms that I’m assuming everyone else hated too.
• There’s an economic decline causing the inflation of food item prices. It impacts some items more than others—I’ve noticed that berries and apples are generally about the same price, but things like oranges and grapes have rocketed up in value by double to quadruple the price—liquor has gone up a little, wine has gone up a lot. Strangely enough, so have potatoes, and that’s particularly strange since they’re the main local crop where I’m from.
• In the past two years, the majority went from buying bread at bakeries to making their own bread… and showing it off on social media.
• Cannabis became legal! And very quickly its become as accepted as alcohol in society. At least in liberal/libertarian places, less so in conservative places where they believe “The Lord” hates cannabis.
• In the past ten to twelve years, social media transformed from a places where people would post drunk/high pictures and try to out-goof each other while planning parties, to 60% virtue signalling, snobbery around things “cringe,” people who go to bars, and even ridiculing sexual desire. The majority have turned into various fringe groups Chris Rock made fun of in the 1990s.
• James Cameron once again defies the naysayers as Avatar 2 rockets to the top of the all-time charts, meaning James Cameron films now make up 3 of the top 4 films of all time. Never doubt this guy!
• The Internet is still the place where pessimists and cynics bitch about movies, but even though TV has gotten way better than ever, the Internet has increased its bitching twenty-fold.
• The younger generations are having much less sex, and people take celebrity assholes way more seriously than they used to—either they’re much more afraid of them or follow them like cultists… If they had the The Rock or Scott Steiner from 1999-2001 today, they’d simultaneously be God and Satan—depending on who you talked to.
• Speaking of The Rock, how has he changed between 1999 and now?


• Metroid Prime 4 is still nowhere in sight
• Russia is now our enemies again after invading Ukraine. While the Crimean occultation was controversial because it was recently a part of Russia (until the reign of Khrushchev, which is in our parents memories) it’s no longer the case—the world is mostly unified in favour of the return to the January 2014 borders.
• Vlodimir Zelenskyy of Ukraine became the most popular politician in the world. It seemed for a time, that him staying in Kyiv with his fighters was a death sentence, and now Ukraine has successfully staved off the Russian invasion.
• The one lunatic fringe position of anti-vaccination is now mainstream culture… even if most still consider it lunacy.
• At 7 million deaths, COVID has become the most deadly pandemic since the Spanish Flu, exceeding the 1950s and 70s flu pandemics that killed about 1-4 million each.
• The work place has changed heavily, many people now work from home of private offices instead of the big office rooms that I’m assuming everyone else hated too.
• There’s an economic decline causing the inflation of food item prices. It impacts some items more than others—I’ve noticed that berries and apples are generally about the same price, but things like oranges and grapes have rocketed up in value by double to quadruple the price—liquor has gone up a little, wine has gone up a lot. Strangely enough, so have potatoes, and that’s particularly strange since they’re the main local crop where I’m from.
• In the past two years, the majority went from buying bread at bakeries to making their own bread… and showing it off on social media.
• Cannabis became legal! And very quickly its become as accepted as alcohol in society. At least in liberal/libertarian places, less so in conservative places where they believe “The Lord” hates cannabis.
• In the past ten to twelve years, social media transformed from a places where people would post drunk/high pictures and try to out-goof each other while planning parties, to 60% virtue signalling, snobbery around things “cringe,” people who go to bars, and even ridiculing sexual desire. The majority have turned into various fringe groups Chris Rock made fun of in the 1990s.
• James Cameron once again defies the naysayers as Avatar 2 rockets to the top of the all-time charts, meaning James Cameron films now make up 3 of the top 4 films of all time. Never doubt this guy!
• The Internet is still the place where pessimists and cynics bitch about movies, but even though TV has gotten way better than ever, the Internet has increased its bitching twenty-fold.
• The younger generations are having much less sex, and people take celebrity assholes way more seriously than they used to—either they’re much more afraid of them or follow them like cultists… If they had the The Rock or Scott Steiner from 1999-2001 today, they’d simultaneously be God and Satan—depending on who you talked to.
• Speaking of The Rock, how has he changed between 1999 and now?


• Metroid Prime 4 is still nowhere in sight