So it starts off with a guy trying to hard to be a bad ass going into an ice cave, coming out the other end, his body guards getting all freaked out and him eventually dying. Wooo. Ok so we see an obvious prick get killed because he's a dick. Moving on, we see Sean Bean being Sean Bean in the same role as he always is in, leader met with tough decision over weather he will ACTUALLY lead his people or leave his family. Oh look, PUPPIES! Because after every beheading everyone should get a puppy. New scene, another Douchey character starts chatting up some girl at what appears to be a funeral for the King's right hand. Nice, I get to see this guy again down the road. Flash to another part of the realm which I can only describe as Greece crossed with Laguna beach. Hot blonde chick and feminate brother who semi hits on her/wants to bone her have a discussion. The dude who is going to play Conan shows up with 5 other frat guys, takes one look at Blonde and rides off. I guess the punch line was "At least he didn't kill her." The King arrives in Winterfell and tells Sean Bean he's fat. Then he goes on and on about how he boned his sister and it is too bad she is dead because he liked that poon a lot. The Queen and Bean's wife exchange some awkwardness along with Bean's eldest daughter who I swear to god is meant to marry McDoucey's child AKA the Kings youngest son, either that or he was the brother of the dude in the first scene. All three of them resemble some form of douche. Oh and btw, how the hell do you get 4 guys to all look the same, because all Bean's sons look exactly alike (except the youngest son). Even the Bastard looks like the other two. Oh and btw, let's throw in a dwarf just for comic relief because he gets more pussy than anyone on the show. Sean Bean gets angsty, a murder plot is a foot, so why don't we all go hunting? Meanwhile, in California, bleach blond chick gets married, and hitched to Conan and we see some of his men murder one another just for shits and giggles. Conan tries to be semi-romantic but probably puts it in blonde rough anyway. Bean's youngest son discovers Douchey boning the queen and then douchey pushes him out the window so he doesn't know that the royal flower is getting a different pollen. One other thing, I think there were more boobs in this show than there were on Skinimax.