Julius Seeker wrote:Suspended for 3 years from the position and a 20 million dollar fine - not a lot for someone who has over 20 billion. It’s roughly the equivalent of $200 for people with $200,000 in savings. It’s a slap on the wrist.
He does NOT "[have] over 20 billion". He is "worth about 20 billion", but that's not the same thing at all.
We absolutely have to change the way we discuss billionaire wealth in the modern world. Elon has a lot of stock in the companies he helped to found, and undoubtedly a reasonable amount of non-stock wealth that he's cashed out of (as most billionaires do, if he's smart). But no modern billionaire should be treated as if their wealth is like a savings account. Their fortunes are all stock-based. And none of them could convert that wealth to the equivalent amount of cash on their own, either - because selling off their vast holdings of stock would cause that stock's price to crater. Elon couldn't convert his fortune to $20b in cash on a bet, unless he found someone willing to buy him out of all his non-liquid holdings in their entireties.
It's more like the equivalent of $200 for someone with $10,000 in savings, and $190,000 in securities.
But even then, you have to remember that it's different - because the average stock investor can sell $190k of stock without any given market blinking an eye, and Elon definitely can't sell $15b+ of Tesla stock without making the front pages of half the newspapers in the world.
Is it still minor, and a slap on the wrist? Yes, but I'm sure it has to sting a little bit - probably as intended.
In any case, I agree with Kali (check for signs of the apocalypse) - the punishment seems appropriate to the crime, or even a little excessive. It was one tweet. It was a bad, stupid tweet, and it was indeed illegal, and there are a lot of good reasons to slap him on the wrist - but this is way different from a prolonged campaign to deceive, ladder his stock, pump-and-dump, and so on. Tesla's a legit company with a legit product, I have friends there, and they say things are actually going very well currently.

“I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong."

--Frederick Douglass